The Global Reach of Millennial Medicine

GM twitter map MMWe’re thrilled to report that Millennial Medicine was a smashing success. In the words of presenter extraordinaire Alexa Miller, our speakers “hit it out of the park,” and here’s just one of the many incredible outcomes of the event: Greg Matthews’ map of “The geographic origin of the authors who used the #MMed13 hashtag during the Millenial Medicine Symposium on April 26, 2013.”

It is as exciting to see our reach as it is illuminating to see our gaps. We’re eager to capitalize on the energy of this meeting to reach out to the parts of the globe that didn’t see twitter traffic this time, and to think about how conversations about the future of #meded might look different beyond the red dots. As we will discuss in upcoming posts, a lot of our discussion circled around the relationship between physically present and online experience in medicine. This map provides just one of the many possible entries into this conversation.

We’re eager to hear more of your feedback, from those who attended and those who engaged via livestream. More opportunities to continue the conversation coming soon, and thanks again to everyone who attended – a sparkling audience is as important as a stellar speaker lineup. We were incredibly fortunate to have both.


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